Fredrick Reif Legacy - Physics (Textbooks and research)

Thermal Physics

Basic Thermal Physics - an Unpublished Book

The aim of this book is to help students learn the basic ideas of heat and thermal physics from a simple, modern, and highly unified pount of view.

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Fundamentals of Thermal and Statistical Physics, McGraw-Hill, (1965)

This book is devoted to a discussion of some of the basic physical concepts and methods useful in the description of situations involving systems which consist of very many particulars. It attempts, in particular, to introduce the reader to the disciplines of thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, and kinetic theory from a unified and modern point of view. ...

The presentation emphasizes the essential unity of the subject matter and develops physical insight by stressing the microscopic content of the theory.

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Fundamentals of Thermal and Statistical Physics, International Edition, McGraw-Hill, (1965)

All macroscopic systems ultimately consist of atoms obeying the laws of quantum mechanics. That premise forms the basis for this comprehensive text, intended for a first upper-level course in statistical and thermal physics. Reif emphasizes that the combination of microscopic concepts with some statistical postulates leads readily to conclusions on a purely macroscopic level. ...

The author's writing style and penchant for description energize interest in condensed matter physics as well as provide a conceptual grounding with information that is crystal clear and memorable. Reif first introduces basic probability concepts and statistical methods used throughout all of physics. Statistical ideas are then applied to systems of particles in equilibrium to enhance an understanding of the basic notions of statistical mechanics, from which derive the purely macroscopic general statements of thermodynamics. Next, he turns to the more complicated equilibrium situations, such as phase transformations and quantum gases, before discussing nonequilibrium situations in which he treats transport theory and dilute gases at varying levels of sophistication. In the last chapter, he addresses some general questions involving irreversible processes and fluctuations. A large amount of material is presented to facilitate students later access to more advanced works, to allow those with higher levels of curiosity to read beyond the minimum given on a topic, and to enhance understanding by presenting several ways of looking at a particular question. Formatting within the text either signals material that instructors can assign at their own discretion or highlights important results for easy reference to them. Additionally, by solving many of the 230 problems contained in the text, students activate and embed their knowledge of the subject matter.

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Statistical Physics, Berkeley Physics Course, Volume 5(1967)

The book is the fifth volume of a general physics course created by faculty at the University of California at Berkeley. The peculiarity of the book is that questions of statistical physics, kinetics and thermodynamics are considered at the end of the course, and not after mechanics, as usual. ...

This makes the presentation more rigorous, interesting and visual, and allows one to operate with various simple systems, such as an ideal gas and a system of several spins in a magnetic field. The book contains a large number of examples and problems.

The book on Academia_edu


Fred Reif's textbooks as a source of inspiration for the community read the story about Fred and Wolfram

Introductory Mechanics

Understanding Basic Mechanics (1995)

An extremely lucid introduction to physics and reasoning methods containing a judicious selection and sequencing of material that enables students to learn without being overwhelmed and acquire important knowledge for future work. ...

Provides detailed instruction of a problem-solving strategy for both quantitative and qualitative problems. Consists of two closely coordinated parts the text is designed to present basic subject matter as well as facilitate reference and review; the workbook ensures that students have understood what they have read, can interpret it and apply the information to diverse situations.

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